Google Doodles Wiki

Halloween 2018, also known as the "Great Ghoul Duel", is a Google Doodle game.

Like Halloween 2016, this Doodle had received a sequel in 2022.



  • The Doodle took almost 2 years to finish development.
  • The Great Ghoul Duel is referenced in the Doodle Champion Island Games as one of the games in the arcade in Tanooki City.
  • Momo makes a cameo as a portrait on the wall in the Haunted Mansion level, along with Jinx and all witches from Halloween - Global Candy Cup 2015.
  • A number of content was scrapped from the Doodle, with these being the following;
    • The game was originally Ghost vs. Cats, asymmetrical powers and a Direct Sequel to Magic Cat Academy.
    • Originally the ghosts were Orange and Blue, but were then changed to Purple and Green for colorblindness.
    • Momo was originally going to be the referee, until the Spider Referee was decided.
    • The game many names before The Great Ghoul Duel was decided, examples of them were PolterHeist, Spirit Scramble, Phantom Frenzy and Nocturnament.
    • If a player was disconnected from a game then their character would appear asleep, this eventually was cut.
    • In the files of the Doodle, there appear to be hats, along with silhouettes for each hat, though they don't appear in the actual Doodle and it would only be presumed that the players would have worn them.
      • The hats and everything related eventually were used in the Halloween 2022 Doodle.
    • The game got updated in 2022 adding the sequel´s Team Victory screens, this version was known as "halloween18_reboot".